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Saturday, August 28, 2010

Family's Little Angels

It feels like it was just yesterday...

Then one goes on a trip down the memory lane and all the nostalgic feeling starts rushing in. Well, I can't help it, we all can't help it when we all go reminiscing. Right? It's a normal human habit to once in a while glance back to its past and relish the memories. But honestly, it really feels like it was just yesterday when we all used to be little rascals, hooligans, and restless kids. I can vividly recall all the times me and my cousins would come home from play all ragged, filthy and stinky. Then we would take a bath all together. :)

But now, my cousins have babies of their own already, and I am now an "aunt". When I first had my nephew, it felt so surreal. My reaction was like, "WHAT?! OMG! I can't believe it, someone's gonna call me tita." :) And my heart just starts jumping. Yes, yes, yes, I was really overwhelmed the first time one of my cousins gave birth to her son, Nathaniel Hautea Donaire.

This is Nathaniel "Nat-Nat" Hautea Donaire, the first great grand son "apo" of my lolo and lola. The first grandson of my aunts and uncles, the first born of our very own next generation, and my first nephew. :)

Second to Nat-Nat is Sean Gabriel Hautea. He's my half-sister's son and a very intelligent kid for his age.

Third of the boys is Emmanuel "Emman" Hautea Gepigon. The first son of Shelly and Ricky. 

Isn't he adorable? He's already toilet trained at the age of 2. And he's becoming addicted to computers. :)
He should start being responsible for himself, now that he has a brother. hahaha! Let's welcome, the youngest among the brood...drum roll please... Vince Robin Hautea Gepigon. :)

He's a healthy baby weighing 7.8 lbs. at birth. :)

He is now 2-months old and looking like his dad. hahaha! I have to commend Ricky for having very aggressive genes.  :)

Very cute kids during last year's Halloween. That's Nat-Nat in sheriff's costume and Emman on the right with the pirate costume. Lovely, lovely kids.

It's incredible and sometimes unbelievable that we're all grownups now. My cousins have their own families already and settling down, some are almost getting there. When I think of the days when we ran around and crowd in a room to snuggle to sleep, it feels like it was just yesterday. I can't help it but get nostalgic. But we all have to move forward. I wonder when am I gonna have my first baby. haha! Well, not anytime soon. Studies first. :)

I haven't seen Nathaniel and Vince yet. Don't worry kids, tita's coming over to see you or maybe you can come visit tita instead. Plane ticket's kinda expensive for me. hahaha! I badly want to fly to San Francisco NOW! See you soon babies. :)

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