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Sunday, August 8, 2010

Falling Into the Cracks Again

It was a sacrifice. It needed much self-control. It required restraint, unflagging restraint. Then I blew it. Just like that. That fast, that easy. What I built for months crashed in just a few minutes of conversation, I gave in. Give whatever you have received. One gives you trust, trust is asked from you. I did what was done for me. I gave what was asked then slept through the night with regrets. I only have myself to blame. I agreed and consented myself into it, blindly. I hold myself responsible for what happened and realized how thoughtless my action was. What's done is done. There's no such thing as rewind nor erase in life, but I have another chance to forget about it and start anew.

How many chances do I deserve? Maybe what's left isn't enough.

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