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Tuesday, November 22, 2011

I always tell people I'm a boring person.

I really find it flattering when people say I'm fun to be with. It's the kind of compliment that I still haven;t fully believed in. When fun equates to being stubborn and reckless then, it figures, but I'm not really an outlandish to be doing crazy things all the time. It's always been my wish to be an interesting person, interesting in a way that you've done extraordinary things, or accomplished something really nice. But it's not like that, I'm not like that, really.

I would rather sit and talk and just stare into space or observe people, maybe intermittent silences to let your mind wander or your thoughts explore. I like listening to people, listening to their dreams, to their plans, to the things that they share even though most of the time I expect to receive the favor of being listened to, I talk a lot, incessantly if I like the person I'm talking to and the subject we are talking about. I like learning, that's the rewarding part of having conversations and listening to other people. When I learn something new, I let it sit in my mind, maybe give it a try sometimes or just keep it in my memory, I might need it one day.

There are different kinds of conversations from different kinds of people and from the kind of relationship you have with them. There are those people you talk about nonsensical and funny stuff, things that sometimes mock and make fun of other people or situations. These people you can be really creative and experimental with your imaginations with. They will forgive you for being stupid or laugh at it. There are also those people you talk about serious matters, not necessarily philosophical views in life nor politics, well maybe polotics at times. These people you have high respect and trust for are the people you share your views in life with. You create conversations you can learn from and exchange learnings with one another. There are also people you talk with because you think it's polite not to ignore them. There are also those you can never talk about anything with. Others just want you to listen to them. And there are also people you can talk with about anything, without fearing of being judged, they just let you be, listen to you, and you listen to them in return, you learn from them and they learn from you, there will occasional laughs, or serious tones, and sometimes you can cry to them, but still feel okay crying because you know they'll understand.

Sometimes the person you talk with about the same things you enjoy, the person you can easily relate to, the person who shares common interests with you, the person who makes you think that he or she is the one for you, you know you sometimes get the feeling that you two might be perfect for each other because you two are so alike, sometimes it could be wrong. I learned that if two people share too many things in common and like too many the same things, the conversations will eventually get boring and will be repeated many times in the future. There's nothing else more to share with them because you two know each other too much, which makes one of you too comfortable and too secured that you stop discovering things and surprising each other. I'm not sure, it's just one of my stupid theories. :)

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