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Thursday, April 28, 2011

A Preview

Working on a ton of things on a short notice can actually rack or brains or freeze every single of it. But, working under this condition does me a favor when it comes to accomplishing more, coming up with fast and brilliant ideas and of course getting frantic and panicky could yield some very good laughs and crazy times. Two heads are better than one, and two mouths can be really noisy when it comes to Nestor and I. Our imaginations, from very ordinary matters could catapult to the outer space. Call it crazy, 'cause we really are. Work isn't really work when you get to do it with someone whose energy is so contagious and whose happiness do not wear out under stress. Nestor's energy is effervescent and high, and I like it that way. These gay people really live up to their name because they never fail to cheer other people around them even if they themselves know that work is dragging them down. I love the gay people! It's awkward to call them that way knowing that most people have tagged a negative connotation to it, but nevertheless my gay friends are the mood setters and life of every crowd, I just couldn't imagine life without them. They give color to the dullness and monotony of tasks.

So we had a shoot for the summer I.D. of our school, and we've accomplished half of it and the other half will be shot soon, on the beach! yaaaay! I can't wait to burry my toes in the sand and color my skin under the sun! hahaha! We finished shooting the "summer love" scene and the "football clinic" scene with the kids who were very admirable and inspirational. They all developed their love for the game because of the Team Akals and they're not giving up on their dream of meeting them one day.

I will post some photos and maybe clips of the video when everything's done. This look's like a long preview of my next post, though I still have some entries in my archives that have grown cobwebs and mosses already. :/


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